Olga Dal Monte
Professore/Professoressa associato/a
- Dipartimento di Psicologia
- SSD: M-PSI/02 - psicobiologia e psicologia fisiologica
- ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-7823-4769
- Department of Psychology
- Dipartimento di Psicologia
- Biotechnology for Neuroscience
- Corso di laurea in Scienze e Tecniche Psicologiche
- Corso di laurea magistrale in Scienze del corpo e della mente
- Scienze Naturali, Scienze dei Sistemi Naturali,
Evoluzione del comportamento animale e dell’uomo
Curriculum vitae
Prodotti della ricerca
Tutti i miei prodotti della ricercaProdotti della ricerca selezionati
Hedonic and autonomic responses in promoting affective touch
2023-01-01 Mazza A; Cariola M; Capiotto F; Diano M; Schintu S; Pia L; Dal Monte O https://iris.unito.it/handle/2318/1922270
Putnam PT, Chu CJ, Fagan NA, Dal Monte O, Chang SWC. (2023) Dissociation of vicarious and experienced rewards by coupling frequency within the same neural pathway. Neuron 111(16) 2513-2522.e4 [DOI PMID]
Pain perception and physiological responses are modulated by active support from a romantic partner
2023-01-01 Mazza A.; Ciorli T.; Mirlisenna I.; D'Onofrio I.; Mantellino S.; Zaccaria M.; Pia L.; DalMonte O. https://iris.unito.it/handle/2318/1922230
Mazza A, Dal Monte O, Schintu S, Colombo S, Michielli N, Sarasso P, Torlind P, Cantamessa M, Montagna F, Ricci R. (2023) Beyond alpha-band: The neural correlate of creative thinking. Neuropsychologia 179 108446 [DOI PMID]
Widespread implementations of interactive social gaze neurons in the primate prefrontal-amygdala networks
2022-01-01 Dal Monte O.; Fan S.; Fagan N.A.; Chu C.-C.J.; Zhou M.B.; Putnam P.T.; Nair A.R.; Chang S.W.C. https://iris.unito.it/handle/2318/1879420
Self-other distinction modulates the social softness illusion
2022-01-01 Pyasik M.; Fortunato E.; Dal Monte O.; Schintu S.; Garbarini F.; Ciorli T.; Pia L. https://iris.unito.it/handle/2318/1793937
Increasing Central Serotonin with 5-hydroxytryptophan Disrupts the Inhibition of Social Gaze in Nonhuman Primates
2022-01-01 Weinberg-Wolf H.B.; Fagan N.; Dal Monte O.; Chang S.W.C. https://iris.unito.it/handle/2318/1879421
Recognizing emotions and effects of traumatic brain injury
2022-01-01 Nahi Y.C.; Tasso B.; Dal Monte O.; Celeghin A. https://iris.unito.it/handle/2318/1879422
Levels of naturalism in social neuroscience research
2021-01-01 Fan S.; Dal Monte O.; Chang S.W.C. https://iris.unito.it/handle/2318/1794218
Changing your body changes your eating attitudes: embodiment of a slim virtual avatar induces avoidance of high-calorie food
2021-01-01 Tambone, Riccardo; Poggio, Giulia; Pyasik, Maria; Burin, Dalila; Dal Monte, Olga; Schintu, Selene; Ciorli, Tommaso; Lucà, Laura; Semino, Maria Vittoria; Doricchi, Fabrizio; Pia, Lorenzo https://iris.unito.it/handle/2318/1793916
Autonomic arousal tracks outcome salience not valence in monkeys making social decisions
2021-01-01 Basile B.M.; Joiner J.A.; Dal Monte O.; Fagan N.A.; Karaskiewicz C.L.; Lucas D.R.; Chang S.W.C.; Murray E.A. https://iris.unito.it/handle/2318/1879424
Disentangling perceptual awareness from nonconscious processing in rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta)
2021-01-01 Ben-Haim M.S.; Dal Monte O.; Fagan N.A.; Dunham Y.; Hassin R.R.; Chang S.W.C.; Santos L.R. https://iris.unito.it/handle/2318/1879423
Right and left inferior frontal opercula are involved in discriminating angry and sad facial expressions
2021-01-01 Iarrobino I.; Bongiardina A.; Dal Monte O.; Sarasso P.; Ronga I.; Neppi-Modona M.; Actis-Grosso R.; Salatino A.; Ricci R. https://iris.unito.it/handle/2318/1879425
Prefrontal–amygdala circuits in social decision-making
2021-01-01 Gangopadhyay P.; Chawla M.; Dal Monte O.; Chang S.W.C. https://iris.unito.it/handle/2318/1765980
Fan S , Weinberg-Wolf H , Piva M , Dal Monte O , Chang S W C (2020)
Combinatorial Oxytocin Neuropharmacology in Social Cognition.
Dal Monte, Olga, Chu, Cheng C J , Fagan, Nicholas A , Chang, Steve W C (2020)
Specialized medial prefrontal–amygdala coordination in other-regarding decision preference.
Pagliaccio D , Pine D S , Leibenluft E , Dal Monte O , Averbeck B B , Costa V D (2019)
Cross-species convergence in pupillary response: understanding human anxiety via non-human primate amygdala lesion.
Dal Monte O, Fan S, Chang SWC. (2018) Social subjective value in the primate midbrain. Nature neuroscience 21(10) 1298-1299 [DOI PMID]
Chang SWC, Dal Monte O. (2018) Shining Light on Social Learning Circuits. Trends in cognitive sciences 22(8) 673-675 [DOI PMID]
Weinberg-Wolf H, Fagan NA, Anderson GM, Tringides M, Dal Monte O, Chang SWC. (2018) The effects of 5-hydroxytryptophan on attention and central serotonin neurochemistry in the rhesus macaque. Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology 43(7) 1589-1598 [DOI PMID]
Turrin C, Fagan NA, Dal Monte O, Chang SWC. (2017) Social resource foraging is guided by the principles of the Marginal Value Theorem. Scientific reports 7(1) 11274 [DOI PMID]
Dal Monte O, Piva M, Anderson KM, Tringides M, Holmes AJ, Chang SWC. (2017) Oxytocin under opioid antagonism leads to supralinear enhancement of social attention. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 114(20) 5247-5252 [DOI PMID]
Costa VD, Dal Monte O, Lucas DR, Murray EA, Averbeck BB. (2016) Amygdala and Ventral Striatum Make Distinct Contributions to Reinforcement Learning. Neuron 92(2) 505-517 [DOI PMID]
Dal Monte O, Piva M, Morris JA, Chang SW. (2016) Live interaction distinctively shapes social gaze dynamics in rhesus macaques. Journal of neurophysiology 116(4) 1626-1643 [DOI PMID]
Bellucci G, Chernyak S, Hoffman M, Deshpande G, Dal Monte O, Knutson KM, Grafman J, Krueger F. (2017) Effective connectivity of brain regions underlying third-party punishment: Functional MRI and Granger causality evidence. Social neuroscience 12(2) 124-134 [DOI PMID]
Dal Monte O, Costa VD, Noble PL, Murray EA, Averbeck BB. (2015) Amygdala lesions in rhesus macaques decrease attention to threat. Nature communications 6 10161 [DOI PMID]
Knutson KM, Dal Monte O, Schintu S, Wassermann EM, Raymont V, Grafman J, Krueger F. (2015) Areas of Brain Damage Underlying Increased Reports of Behavioral Disinhibition. The Journal of neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciences 27(3) 193-8 [DOI PMID]
Lee E, Seo M, Dal Monte O, Averbeck BB. (2015) Injection of a dopamine type 2 receptor antagonist into the dorsal striatum disrupts choices driven by previous outcomes, but not perceptual inference. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 35(16) 6298-306 [DOI PMID]
Dal Monte O, Noble PL, Turchi J, Cummins A, Averbeck BB. (2014) CSF and blood oxytocin concentration changes following intranasal delivery in macaque. PloS one 9(8) e103677 [DOI PMID]
Dal Monte O, Schintu S, Pardini M, Berti A, Wassermann EM, Grafman J, Krueger F. (2014) The left inferior frontal gyrus is crucial for reading the mind in the eyes: brain lesion evidence. Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior 58 9-17 [DOI PMID]
Schintu S, Hadj-Bouziane F, Dal Monte O, Knutson KM, Pardini M, Wassermann EM, Grafman J, Krueger F. (2014) Object and space perception - is it a matter of hemisphere? Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior 57 244-53 [DOI PMID]
Dal Monte O, Noble PL, Costa VD, Averbeck BB. (2014) Oxytocin enhances attention to the eye region in rhesus monkeys. Frontiers in neuroscience 8 41 [DOI PMID]
Evans SL, Dal Monte O, Noble P, Averbeck BB. (2014) Intranasal oxytocin effects on social cognition: a critique. Brain research 1580 69-77 [DOI PMID]
Knutson KM, Dal Monte O, Raymont V, Wassermann EM, Krueger F, Grafman J. (2014) Neural correlates of apathy revealed by lesion mapping in participants with traumatic brain injuries. Human brain mapping 35(3) 943-53 [DOI PMID]
Driscoll DM, Dal Monte O, Solomon J, Krueger F, Grafman J. (2012) Empathic deficits in combat veterans with traumatic brain injury: a voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping study. Cognitive and behavioral neurology : official journal of the Society for Behavioral and Cognitive Neurology 25(4) 160-6 [DOI PMID]
Pardini M, Emberti Gialloreti L, Mascolo M, Benassi F, Abate L, Guida S, Viani E, Dal Monte O, Schintu S, Krueger F, Cocito L. (2013) Isolated theory of mind deficits and risk for frontotemporal dementia: a longitudinal pilot study. Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry 84(7) 818-21 [DOI PMID]
Pia L, Neppi-Modona M, Cremasco L, Gindri P, Dal Monte O, Folegatti A. (2012) Functional independence between numerical and visual space: evidence from right brain-damaged patients. Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior 48(10) 1351-8 [DOI PMID]
Dal Monte O, Krueger F, Solomon JM, Schintu S, Knutson KM, Strenziok M, Pardini M, Leopold A, Raymont V, Grafman J. (2013) A voxel-based lesion study on facial emotion recognition after penetrating brain injury. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 8(6) 632-9 [DOI PMID]
Becchio C, Del Giudice M, Dal Monte O, Latini-Corazzini L, Pia L. (2013) In your place: neuropsychological evidence for altercentric remapping in embodied perspective taking. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 8(2) 165-70 [DOI PMID]
Knutson KM, Krueger F, Dal Monte O, Raymont V, Snyder AD, Kirsch HE, Wassermann EM, Grafman J. (2012) Gustatory cortical lesions affect motivation for snack foods. Cognitive neuroscience 3(2) 131-8 [DOI PMID]
Rostami E, Krueger F, Zoubak S, Dal Monte O, Raymont V, Pardini M, Hodgkinson CA, Goldman D, Risling M, Grafman J. (2011) BDNF polymorphism predicts general intelligence after penetrating traumatic brain injury. PloS one 6(11) e27389 [DOI PMID]
Leopold A, Krueger F, dal Monte O, Pardini M, Pulaski SJ, Solomon J, Grafman J. (2012) Damage to the left ventromedial prefrontal cortex impacts affective theory of mind. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 7(8) 871-80 [DOI PMID]
Driscoll DM, Dal Monte O, Grafman J. (2011) A need for improved training interventions for the remediation of impairments in social functioning following brain injury. Journal of neurotrauma 28(2) 319-26 [DOI PMID]
- Clinical and experimental neuropsychology (PSI1371)
Corso di laurea magistrale in Scienze del corpo e della mente - Neuroeconomics (NEU0276)
Biotechnology for Neuroscience - Neuropsicologia sperimentale e clinica (2° anno) (PSI0443)
Corso di laurea magistrale in Scienze del corpo e della mente - Neuroscienze cognitive (SVB0196)
Scienze Naturali, Scienze dei Sistemi Naturali,
Evoluzione del comportamento animale e dell’uomo - Scientific Communication (NEU0301)
Biotechnology for Neuroscience - Social cognition and behavior in humans (SVB0240)
Scienze Naturali, Scienze dei Sistemi Naturali,
Evoluzione del comportamento animale e dell’uomo - The social brain (PSI1219)
Corso di laurea magistrale in Scienze del corpo e della mente
Temi di ricerca
Dal Monte’s research focuses on understanding the neural substrates involved in complex social interactions. She addresses these questions utilizing interdisciplinary theoretical principles and behavioral, physiological, and electrophysiological measurements to complement and extend our understanding of how the brain computes social behaviors. Taking a multipronged approach, she aims to provide novel basic neuroscientific insights to better inform the mechanisms underlying social dysfunctions and, in the long run, to suggest novel treatments for neuropsychiatric disorders.
Specific Research Topics:
- social decision-making
- prosocial and antisocial behavior
- interpersonal distance
- social and affective touch
- eye contact
- social attention
Progetti di ricerca
Tutti i miei progetti di ricerca
Attività in agenda
Terza missione
- Convenzioni Da martedì 19 maggio a mercoledì 18 novembre 2020
- Divulgazione Scientifica Mercoledì 22 aprile 2020
- Workshop Mercoledì 1 aprile 2020
- Leonardo_Joint Lab_Primo incontroSabato 21 marzo 2020
- Leonardo_Joint Lab_Terzo incontro Martedì 17 marzo 2020
- Denso (Thermal Systems) _ Quarto incontro Martedì 3 marzo 2020
- Divulgazione Scientifica Mercoledì 26 febbraio 2020
- Divulgazione Scientifica Martedì 25 febbraio 2020
- Leonardo_Joint Lab_Secondo incontroGiovedì 9 gennaio 2020
- Denso (Thermal Systems) _ Terzo incontro Venerdì 13 dicembre 2019
- Denso (Thermal Systems) _ Secondo incontro Giovedì 14 novembre 2019
- Notte dei RicercatoriVenerdì 27 settembre 2019
- Pionieri. Esploratori dell’ignoto da Leonardo ai giorni nostriGiovedì 9 maggio 2019
- Convenzioni non oneroseVenerdì 15 febbraio 2019
- Denso MEETS UniTo_Primo incontroVenerdì 15 febbraio 2019
Tutte le mie attività di Terza Missione
Ricevimento studenti
Su appuntamento via e-mail olga.dalmonte@unito.itReferente laboratorio di ricerca:
Laboratorio di Neurofisiologia (Diparimento di Psicologia)
Eye tracking Lab-Laboratorio di tracciamento dei movimenti oculari (Human Science and Technologies - HST)